Report an Infringement
Complying with statutory regulations, internal rules, the Code of Conduct, GDPR, privacy topics, our brand features as well as anti-discrimination regulations has top priority at Qilin.Cloud. The success of our company is based on Integrity and Compliance. To meet these standards, it is important to learn of potential misconduct and to put a stop to it. Qilin.Cloud’s Whistleblower System processes incoming tips independently and confidentially.

A key pillar of the Whistleblower System is the principle of procedural fairness. It also guarantees the greatest possible protection for whistleblowers, persons implicated and employees contributing to the investigation of reported misconduct.
This also includes offering opportunities for anonymous reporting and communication. Furthermore, Qilin.Cloud does not tolerate any discrimination against whistleblowers or anyone who contributes to investigations at Qilin.Cloud. Persons implicated are presumed innocent until the violation is proven. Investigations will be conducted with the utmost confidentiality.

How we process your report
After the submission of tip, you will get a confirmation of receipt and then your report will be assessed. If further information is required, we will contact you. We therefore ask you to leave a contact option even if you submit a report anonymously (e.g. via the online reporting channel – see below).
Only if this initial evaluation shows grounds for suspicion of a violation an investigation will be started. Afterwards, the results of the investigation will be assessed and appropriate measures will be taken.
Do you have any concern of feedback regarding the Qilin.Cloud platform or service
If you have any questions or inquiries regarding the technical platform or products of Qilin.Cloud, feedback or complaints about services provided by Qilin.Cloud or our business partners, please contact us here.
We ask for your understanding that the whistleblower system cannot accept or process any support cases and, in particular, cannot forward them.
Submit reports properly
Everyone must be willing and able to report specific information on violations. Confidential reports can be made using the Whistleblower System anytime, in any language. Examples include violations of the Code of Conduct or antitrust law, GDPR, privacy, brand features, corruption, theft, discrimination, workplace harassment, or other infringement like criminal offenses or misdemeanors. In addition to employees, business partners, users, or other third parties can submit reports if they have specific information about violations.
Potential violations of the Code of Conduct by Business Partners, including serious risks and violations of human rights and environment by direct and indirect suppliers, can also be reported to the Investigation Office – as well as reports requiring otherwise immediate action. The Investigation Office will inform the responsible departments, who will process the issue accordingly. This particularly includes taking the necessary measures to minimize or end violations and/or risks.
When the Qilin.Cloud Investigation Office receives a report, it conducts a review in accordance with all of the procedural principles required (such as confidentiality and the protection of whistleblowers). Often, the office must speak with the whistleblowers to review a case and initiate any investigation activities needed. For this reason, it is essential to word your report as clearly as possible. It is helpful if you base your report on the Four Ws and H, specifically:
- Who? – Who is it about? Who is affected?
- What? – What happened? Explanation of the circumstances.
- When? – When did the incident take place?
- How? – How many times did it happen?
- Where? – Where did the incident take place?
Whistleblowers should make sure that their descriptions can also be understood by persons who are not familiar with the subject area. It is helpful if you make yourself available for further questions for this purpose. If the whistleblower is prepared to do so but would like to remain anonymous with Qilin.Cloud, they can use the anonymous reporting channels.
Apart from the Qilin.Cloud Investigation Office, other points of contact are involved in handling reports. Following a legitimate report, the Investigation Office usually arranges for the necessary internal investigations to investigative functions (such as special audits or security). The Investigation Office also works with Legal Services and Human Resources to investigate and will initiate any measures deemed necessary.
Protection for all
The Whistleblower System guarantees the highest possible protection for whistleblowers and persons of interest. This also includes offering opportunities for anonymous reporting and communication.
An investigation is not initiated until the hint has been reviewed thoroughly and if there are concrete indications of a regulatory violation. The information is handled as part of a fair and confidential process.
Discrimination, intimidation or hostility resulting from a report to the Whistleblower System will be investigated and penalized under the same process.

Below you will find the categories that are currently active to submit reports on the Qilin.Cloud Whistleblower System:
GDPR / Privacy
Violations against the General Data Protection Regulation or Qilin.Cloud’s Privacy Policy
Violations against Qilin.Cloud’s Compliance Policy
Brand Features
Violations against Qilin.Cloud’s Brands Features & Assets.
Code of Conduct
Violations of Qilin.Cloud’s Code of Conduct by Qilin.Cloud employees or Business Partners
Violations against the Allgemeins Gleichbehandlungsgesetz (AGG)
Someone bribes or is bribed. A third party is offered or granted an advantage in breach of duty or an unreasonable advantage is accepted or demanded by taking advantage of one’s own official position.
This includes serious offenses in the area of white-collar crime, such as:
- Theft,
- fraud,
- embezzlement, if there is a threat of significant financial or reputational damage to the company.
Agreements restricting competition and concerted practices between companies are not permitted. This may involve illegal agreements on prices, pricing, market, customer or territory allocation, orders, production quantities and quotas, strategies, boycotts, etc., but also the illegal exchange of information relevant to competition or the abuse of a dominant position.
Workplace Harassment
Violation of regulations to ensure health and safety in the workplace. This includes acts or omissions that:
- endangers the health or the working capacity of an employee;
- persistently, i.e. repeatedly, violates occupational health and safety regulations;
- uninvited and unwanted verbal or physical approaches to an employee by superiors or work colleagues.
Accounting regulations
This includes violations of accounting requirements, in particular accounting and financial reporting, auditing, internal accounting controls or financial statement auditing, as well as violations of tax law regulations.
Modern Slavery
This includes crime in the area of:
- Modern Slavery
- Human Trafficking
Other Infringement
This includes serious offenses in the area of white-collar crime, such as:
- Sabotage or destruction of work equipment
- Betrayal of business or trade secrets
- Forgery of documents
- Violations of users law and export control regulations
- everything else that is serious offense in the area of white-collar crime and is not already named above.
Report an Infringement
If your infringement is part of one of the above mentioned categories, we want you to report it now at:
Report an Vulnerability
If you have information about a technical vulnerability on the Qilin.Cloud Technology Platform, we want you to report it now at:
Send us Feedback
If you want to send us any other type of feedback, suggestions, situations that did not make you happy or just a few greetings, please use our contact system at: